Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Make a No-Sew Sleeping Bag!

Today I went to the craft cabin.  When I walked in our camp leader, Grace, waved me over to her table. 
"What are we making today?" I asked.
"No-sew, fleece sleeping bags."

First, I picked out some scissors.

Then Grace handed me some fleece.  That's a lot of fleece!

Then I cut out the rectangle.  First, fold your fabric in half.  Your feet will be where the fold is.  Then cut a rectangle 14 inches wide and 20 inches tall/long.  Fold the top layer of fleece about 5 inches back like the picture below.

Cut slits 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep.  Tie the ends into knots.  Once you get to a fold (either on the top or bottom) cut it like the picture below.  For the part you folded back you will have 3 layers of fleece to tie.

Cut off the extra fleece on the sides.
Your done!  Wasn't that super easy?  You can add a pillow by cutting another square of fleece and placing it on top of the top part/the part with no knots.  (If that makes any sense.)  Sew 3 sides, stuff with fleece, and then sew the 4th side.
After I finished I hurried back to our cabin to try it out and get some pictures.  As you can see Nadia photo bombed the first one. :)

It was so warm and cozy that I had to take a little nap!

What have you been doing at Camp Doll Diaries?



  1. That's adorable! Where were you able to find fleece?

    1. I got the fleece at Hancock Fabrics (hancockfabrics.com). You can also find fabric at Joann's (joann.com), Walmart, or other crafts stores usually have fleece.

      Adollable Dolls
